With state-of-the-art storage infrastructure and owned or chartered bunker barges, Bomin takes complete control of the fuel supply process from order through to delivery...  more

In addition to our global physical network, Bomin is also one of the leading independent bunker traders in the world...  more

Bomin understands the significant transition in the offshore market with specialist knowledge of the growth and developments...  more

We offer additional consultancy to manage risks, and to develop the best fuel procurement strategy for your business, fleets and trading routes...  more

Contact Persons at Bomin

Our team at the Bomin Group will be happy to assist you at our locations... more

Houston-based Bomin Bunker Oil Corp. is an established physical supplier of marine fuels with operations in Houston and surrounding US Gulf ports, Norfolk, Virginia, Panama (both Balboa and Cristobal) and Ecuador. The business portfolio covers activities ranging from the supply of bunker fuels to lubricants and other services to the shipping industry.

To work with a fuel supply partner founded on integrity, quality and commercial responsibility, choose Bomin. 

Bomin - Energy at Work

Our commitment that we have in working with our customers... more


Corporate responsibility & sustainability, compliance...

April 03, 2019

Bomin in the Americas: Future Proof!... more

November 21, 2018

Bomin Sells Belgium Operations... more


Company brochures, annual report, sustainability report... more


Career at the group of companies...  

We have compiled an industry glossary containing detailed explanations of terms pertaining to our products and business...