Health, Safety, Security & Environmental Policy
We are committed to performing all business activities in a safe and efficient manner. Our goal is to prevent all accidents, injuries and occupational illness and to protect the environment. To achieve this, we will:
- Promote Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) in all companies and manage it in the same way as any other critical business activity.
- Comply with all applicable laws and regulations and apply appropriate standards where legislation does not exist.
- Have a sound HSSE Management System, in which competencies, responsibilities and communication channels are clearly defined.
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and contractors, with adequate facilities and appropriate protective equipment.
- Identify and analyze potential hazards and security threats and implement measures to avoid, prevent, control and restrict the associated risks.
- Be prepared at all times to respond to emergency situations quickly and efficiently, in order to minimize the potential impact of incidents should they occur.
- Operate equipment and utilize services in a way that avoids risk to people and the environment.
- Provide training and job-specific education to all employees, supported by internal standards, procedures and instructions.
- Use energy and natural resources efficiently, prevent pollution and raise employee awareness to minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
- Set targets and benchmark our performance to achieve continuous improvement and ensure compliance with all applicable standards.
The management will visibly and rigorously support the implementation of this policy. We expect the support of all employees, contractors and others working for us, so that our HSSE performance will continue to earn us the trust and confidence of our customers, neighbors and the community at large.